Since the 20th century, the environmental problems as the bad consequences of modern technology have becoming more and more serious. In order to solve it, the ethics of responsibility to which the contribution of Hans Jonas is significant comes out. This dissertation mainly does research on the argument of responsible capability and natural teleology in Hans Jonas' ethics of responsibility. In the overview of responsibility ethics, I explain the autonomy characteristic of modern technology that is different from the past. Modern technology has changed the nature of human behavior and required responsibility to be extended to new dimensions. Following the traditional concept of responsibility, the new responsibility is still based on subjective causality. While facing the future it breaks through the short-ranged ethical relationship with the characteristics of long-distance and asymmetry. The “ought” of responsibility can be illustrated from two sides. On the objective side, responsibility is for the object. On the subjective side, the mere capacity is the sufficient condition for actuality. Further more, this capacity should be understood in the teleology of nature that is totally different from the scientific explanation whose dualistic presuppose is taken as the root of modern technological problems. To get an integrated understanding about human and nature, Hans Jonas puts forward his emergent monism that is different from monism and dualism. The suspect of purposes in nature originates from human's own internal living experience and the ontological interpretation of life phenomena. It also relies on the continuity between man and nature supported by the theory of scientific evolution. Nature has inner value and is the object of our responsibility from which there are three degrees of the environmental concern. The first one is to protect the natural resources for human’s survival. The second one is respecting other living species and maintaining the diversity of nature. The third one is concerning the dynamical relations in nature and protecting the integrity of it. Finally, I argue that the practice of responsibility would easily break down because of some inadequacy in its argument and the deficiency of value system. However, this problem does not intend to show the impossibility of the practice.