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Study of the Interaction Mechanism between Supersonic Mainstream and Coolant Flow with Shock Wave Impingement

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  • 培养单位
    101 核研院
  • 中文关键词
  • 英文关键词
    high temperature gas-cooled reactor, space nuclear power, supersonic film cooling, shock wave, film cooling effectiveness



For the turbine blades in Very High Temperature gas-cooled Reactor (VHTR), propelling nozzles in deep space nuclear power, combustion chamber, turbines and nozzles in scramjets, which are enduring high temperature and extreme high heat flux environment, need active thermal protection. Film cooling is one of the effective means solving the above thermal protection problems due to its simple structure and high cooling efficiency. According to the mainstream velocity, film cooling can be divided into subsonic film cooling and supersonic film cooling. In the supersonic flow field, the shock wave always occurs, which will affect supersonic film cooling performance. It is of great significance to study the heat transfer and flow mechanism between the supersonic mainstream and the coolant flow with shock wave impingement.The present study focuses on the interaction between the shock wave and coolant flow, and how to inhabit the influence of shock wave impingement, and analysis the three-dimensional effect between the shock wave and the coolant flow. Firstly, the influence of shock wave impingement was experimentally investigated, the supersonic flow field was visualized using the schlieren photography, and the protected wall temperature distribution was measured by the infrared camera. Combined with the numerical simulation analysis, the flow and heat transfer characteristics in the boundary layer under shock wave impingement were studied. The results showed that the impingement of shock wave will decrease the film cooling effectiveness. The higher the shock wave intensity, the stronger the destructive effect. When the shock wave is impinging on the core region of supersonic film cooling boundary layer, the destructive effect is the largest. To inhibit the damaging effect of shock wave on supersonic film cooling effectiveness, how to get better cooling performance by changing the coolant inlet conditions under a certain coolant mass flow rate is studied. The results show that with shock wave impingement, reducing the coolant inlet height and increasing the coolant inlet Mach number is beneficial to improve the film cooling effectiveness.For the three-dimensional effect between the shock wave and coolant flow, the present study investigated the effect of three-dimensional shock wave by using non-through shock wave generators. The results showed that in the upstream region, the completely through shock wave has the largest influence, while in the middle and downstream regions, the non-through shock wave is more destructive, mainly due to the non-through shock wave caused the non-uniform pressure distribution in the boundary layer, which will form a secondary flow, and entangle the high temperature mainstream to the coolant boundary layer, thereby decreasing the cooling effectiveness. The effect of the three-dimensional structure of the film holes on supersonic film cooling was also studied. The supersonic film cooling performance of the cylindrical hole were analyzed. The results showed that, without shock wave impingement, there exists an optimal coolant inlet pressure, so that the coolant flow can adhere to the protected wall without penetrating into the mainstream. With shock wave impingement, the shock wave working mechanism differs under different coolant inlet pressure. For the low coolant inlet pressure, the low-intensity shock wave will force the coolant flow adhere to the protected wall, thereby increasing the film cooling effectiveness. While at the high coolant inlet pressure, the interaction between the high coolant inlet pressure and high pressure generated by the shock wave formed a secondary flow in the boundary layer, so the high temperature mainstream was entangled to the coolant boundary layer, thus decreasing the cooling effectiveness.