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On China’s Principal Social Contradiction in the New Era

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    068 马克思主义学院
  • 中文关键词
  • 英文关键词
    principal contradiction of society, new era, socialism with Chinese characteristics, basic dimension of national context, basic contradiction of society



The principal contradiction facing Chinese society in the new era has rapidly become a major theoretical frontier and hot issue in domestic academic research after the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. On the basis of deep ploughing Marxist classics, this paper studies the principal contradiction of society in the new era through the organic combination of literature and empirical analysis, historical and realistic dimension, domestic and international perspectives, which not only helps to remedy the shortcomings and defects of the existing research results in academic circles, but also helps to deepen the study of the basic issues and clarify the puzzling problems involved in the principal contradiction of society in the new era. So as to make the whole country’s thoughts on the aspects and policies of the principal contradiction of society in the new era to be unified. The principal contradiction of society in the new era is the result of subjective view to objective judgment. Its generating logic includes the logic of change, the logic of standard and the logic of method. The scientific connotation of the principal contradiction of society in the new era includes the scientific connotation of the need for a good life with the diversification of the types of needs, the upgrading of the levels of needs and the individualization of the style of needs as the main contents. It also includes the scientific connotation of unbalanced development with the main contents of unbalanced development between urban and rural areas, between regions, between fields and between industrial structures. It also includes the scientific connotation of insufficient development, which takes the insufficient development of innovative ability, the insufficient development of citizens' quality and the insufficient realization of the value of justice as the main content. In reality, the intertwined state of unbalanced development and inadequate development determines that we should not only explore the scientific connotation of unbalanced development and inadequate development from a relatively independent sense, but also pay more attention to grasp the scientific connotation of unbalanced and inadequate development in the overall sense. To fully understand the impact of the judgment of the principal contradiction of society in the new era, we should not only see the positive impact of the judgment on the relevant theories, orientation, verification, governance, and international affairs, but also see the challenges brought by the judgment to the interpretation of the basic dimension of national context, the understanding of the party's central work, and the ruling ability of the Communist Party of China. As the most important problem and the biggest difficult problem in our country at the present stage, the effective resolution of the principal contradiction of society in the new era should fully rely on the joint force formed by domestic and international forces. That is to say, we should fully rely on continuing to solve problems in development, advance the five-sphere integrated plan, practice a new vision of development, further supply-side structural reform, adhere to the people-centered philosophy of development, promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind, and fully absorb the international positive and beneficial factors. This seven major paths form a strong joint force. The process of resolving the principal contradiction of society in the new era is that the Communist Party of China leads the people to continue to struggle for the realization of the Chinese Dream which is the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.