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Study on High-Speed Optical Coherence Tomography Swept Laser

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  • 培养单位
    023 电子系
  • 中文关键词
  • 英文关键词
    optical coherence tomography, fourier domain mode locked laser, buffered FDML laser, frequency comb FDML laser, coherence length



Compared to the traditional biological imaging method, optical coherence tomography has lots of advantages, such as no injury, fast in imaging speed, three-dimensional imaging , high resolution, deep penetration depth and other characteristics. In recent years, OCT technology has developed from time domain OCT to fourier domain OCT, whose scanning rate is much more faster. In FD-OCT, SS-OCT is more suitable for 1300nm swept laser, which has a lower absorb rate in human tissues. Nowadays, the use of frequency domain mode-lock swept source increases the sweep rate of the swept source OCT system from ~ 1kHz to ~ 100kHz or even ~ MHz, and increases the output power of the light source. Compared to the traditional FDML swept laser, a new Frequency-Comb FDML laser has a much longer coherence length.In this thesis, an FDML laser based on BOA is built and tested. BOA has broad bandwidth and high saturation power, which can simplify the laser’s structure and improve the output power. The sweep rate of FDML laser source is set up to 44.9978kHz. The center wavelength of the output light is 1315nm. The spectral width of the source is 110nm. The average output power is 28mW. Meanwhile, a Buffered FDML laser is built in this thesis, improving the A-scan rate to about 90kHz. The center wavelength of the Buffered FDML laser source is 1316nm. The spectral width is 107nm and the average output power is 2mW. The resolution of the OCT system using Buffered FDML laser source is 12.9μm.In this thesis, a theoretical model of frequency comb FDML laser is established and the simulation result of time domain output power of the FC-FDML laser is given. In this theoretical model, we discuss the output power of FC-FDML laser, and the coherence length of FC-FDML laser is demonstrated.