后现代女性主义探讨的“差异”概念,已经成为女性主义学术研究中运用最为频繁的概念之一。作为“差异”问题倡导者,露丝•伊丽格瑞(Luce Irigaray)是继波伏娃之后第三次女性主义运动的女性主义哲学家代表之一。她和朱莉娅•克里斯蒂娃(Julia Kristeva)、伊莲娜•西苏(Helene Cixous)一道称为法国女性主义哲学的“三驾马车”。伊丽格瑞的思想是女性主义和后现代主义哲学结合的产物。在她的理论中,能够看到精神分析、结构主义、解构主义和存在主义的影子。伊丽格瑞从女性自身独特的体验出发描述女性性征(Sexuality),从两性生理结构的不同,提出“差异问题”并建立起“性别差异伦理学”。本文试图系统梳理伊丽格瑞性别差异伦理思想形成的背景、哲学本体论基础及其理论意义,重点分析伊丽格瑞对女性性征的创造性描述:伊丽格瑞提出女性“双唇”和“粘液”的性别特征,认为女性的性征是复数的,多元的和复杂的。由此,伊丽格瑞提出应该打破传统男性的“同一性”(Sameness)思维,建立关注差异的、多元化的思考方式和伦理模式。伊丽格瑞也关注到“他者”,认为“他者”不是客体的对象,而是同样具有主体性的。在她那里,“他者”不仅仅指女性,还包括独立于自身之外的其他事物,例如自然和社会中的弱势群体。基于此理论,伊丽格瑞形成自己的性别差异伦理学。她提倡“自我之爱”、“同等之爱”和“他者之爱”,她不仅希望在“爱”中人类处理好男女两性的关系,自我与“他者”的关系,普通群体与弱势群体的关系,也希望人类能够处理好人与自然之间的关系,因为只有自我和他者都处在这种和谐平等的伦理关系中时,才能重新建立起一个更为真实的、更为普遍的文明世界。本文还探讨了伊丽格瑞伦理思想的重要意义,并分析了她的理论在传播过程中受到的质疑和困境。更为重要的是,伊丽格瑞的差异理论已经在我国产生了重要的理论影响,她的性别差异伦理学对于我国和谐社会的建设和可持续发展战略都具有重要的借鉴意义。
“Difference” is one of the most popular words in postmodern feminism. Luce Irigaray is one of the most famous feminist philosophers in France. She calls for the “sexual difference” and the ethics of sexual difference. Luce Irigaray, Julia Kristeva and Helene Cixous are Troika in France. Luce Irigaray’s thought is a mixture of feminist thoughts and postmodern philosophy. It contains psychoanalysis, Lacon’s constructionism, Derrida’s deconstructionism and Sutter’s existentialism. Irigaray describes the female sexuality from her female identity and woman’s experience. She writes from the nature of sexual difference to the culture of sexual difference, then bulids the ethics of sexual difference. The present dissertation describes her ethics of sexual difference, the source and significance of this thought and the philosophical foundation of this thought. The present dissertation also shows Irigaray’s discription of female’s sexuality. She emphasizes the female’s “two lips” and “mucus”. She also describes the female’s sexuality is neither one nor two. Woman has sex organs more or less everywhere. Woman finds sexual pleasure almost anywhere. Irigaray gets rid of male’s identity and wants to build a sexual way of thingking and the ethics of sexual difference. She thinks about the Other and builds the two subjects of the relationship between women and men. The concept of “The Other” contains the women, the children, the weak, and also the nature.She adovcates the “love of self”, “love of same” and “love of the other” to bulid a good ralationship between women and men , the self and the Other, the human and the nature. And she also wants to build a new, real, civilized world from her ethics of sexual difference. The present dissertation also talks about the critiques and difficulties of her thought. The last but the most important, her sexual difference theory has a great influence in China today. Thinking about the Other, respecting the Other and the two subjects of ethics, all of these are meaningful in developing the harmonious society and sustainable development strategy.